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Magaltie Coasters - Free crochet pattern

Last weekend we took our daughter to a soft play centre and even though it's a paradise to your little gold nugget(s) running around, to us parents it's a nightmare (Right?! - please don't tell me I'm the only one) . A snapshot: To the left of me two children are arguing, on the right a child is doing the floss dance, in front of me I see adults crawling through the obstacles,  when suddenly the Sponge Bob Squarepants theme song starts bursting from the speakers, I look over my shoulder behind me and Sponge Bob Squarepants walks through the door. The question " am I having a fever dream?" did cross my mind. And in these circumstances, I wrote this pattern.
You could make a set of four, tie a pretty ribbon around them and have a perfect last minute gift! If you love the square so much and you can't stop making them, you could make lots and join them into a blanket.
Whatever you decide to do, I hope you enjoy doing it! I would love to see your makes!
Here comes the pattern!

This pattern is written in US terms. I'll be adding UK terms soon, too!

DK cotton.
4 MM hook
Darning needle

SC= Single crochet
DC= Double crochet
SS= Slipstitch
CH= Chain
BLO= Back Loop Only

Start with a magic ring (Or chain 4 and join with a SS to form a ring) and make 6 SC's in the ring (6)

1: CH 1, make 2 SC's in each stitch around and join with a SS, TURN,  CH1

2: Working in BLO: *SC in first stitch (this will be the stitch you just slipstitched in ), DC in the next, [DC - CH 2 - DC] in next stitch (this forms the corner) Repeat from * around and join with a SS to your first SC made. (4 stitched on each side = 16 stitches in total), TURN, CH 1

3: Working in BLO: *Make a SC in first, DC in next ST, repeat this until the corner. In the corner CH 2 Space work: [DC - CH 2 - DC] . Repeat from * around and join with a SS to first SC made. TURN, CH 1 (6 stitches on each side = 24 stitches in total)

4: As round 3 (8 stitches on each side = 32 stitches in total)
5: As round 3 (10 stitches on each side = 40 stitches in total)
6: As round 3 (12 stitches on each side = 48 stitches in total)
7. As round 3 (14 stitches on each side = 56 stitches in total) Don't turn after this round.

EDGE: Start working in the first stitch after the stitch you just Slipstitched in. Including that stitch there should be 8 stitches left to work in until the corner space.
CH1, *Work [SC - DC - SC] in first stitch, SS in the next. Repeat * until corner. In corner work [SC -CH2 - SC] then repeat from * again.
You should have 7 "bobbles" on each side and 4 corners.
FO and work away the loose ends.

X Siri


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